Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lexington Wedding Photographers :: Rana & Josh... The Stars Align!

From the first time we met them, we knew Rana & Josh were something special. She, of Lebanese heritage, and he, the "All-American Boy." And when the 2 cultures came together to celebrate the wedding day, it was a BIG time for all.  
Rana's parents are very proud of their daughter, as they should be. She's done a lot for herself, including getting through Dental School! And as it turns out, Josh is a Dentist too! Happy smiles all around.
Rana was so happy to be able to showcase her Orthodox traditions. She and Josh were the stars of the show, and one gets the sense that their star will forever shine brightly.

Check out these photos in high resolution on the UnVeiled Studio website!


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